Two angles are complementary. One contains 30° more than the other. Find both angles. The measures of the angles are _ degrees

x + x+30 = 90

This is NOT 75 and 105

To find the measures of the angles, let's assign variables to represent the angles. Let's call one angle x, and the other angle (which contains 30° more than the first angle) x + 30.

Complementary angles add up to 90°. So we can set up the equation:

x + (x + 30) = 90

Now let's solve for x:

2x + 30 = 90
2x = 90 - 30
2x = 60
x = 60/2
x = 30

So one angle is 30°, and the other angle (which is 30° more than the first angle) is 30 + 30 = 60°.

Therefore, the measures of the angles are 30° and 60°.