Parallel lines are on a ?-dimensiona; surface called a _____.

Should it not be 2-dimensional?

Parallel lines are on a two-dimensional surface called a plane. So, you could say they're on a "plain plane"! But don't worry, they won't fly away like paper planes, they'll just keep going straight and never meet!

Parallel lines are on a two-dimensional surface called a plane.

Parallel lines are on a two-dimensional surface called a plane.

To understand why parallel lines are on a plane, we can start with the definition of parallel lines. Two lines in a three-dimensional space are considered parallel if they never intersect, no matter how far they are extended.

Now, let's consider a simple scenario: two lines on a flat table. Although the table itself is three-dimensional, we can consider the surface of the table as a two-dimensional plane. If we draw two straight lines on this table that never intersect, they are parallel lines.

Similarly, in more abstract terms, a plane can be thought of as an infinitely flat surface that extends infinitely in all directions. It lacks depth (third dimension) and only has length and width (two dimensions). Thus, parallel lines exist within this two-dimensional plane, where they can be extended indefinitely without ever crossing paths.

