Ana sees a computer that costs $1600. The store manager says next week will be on sale $350 less. What percent will Ana save


To calculate the percentage of savings, we need to find the difference between the original price and the sale price, and then express that difference as a percentage of the original price. Here's how you can calculate it:

Step 1: Find the sale price
To get the sale price, you need to subtract the discount from the original price. In this case, the discount is $350, so:

Sale Price = Original Price - Discount
Sale Price = $1600 - $350 = $1250

Step 2: Calculate the difference between the original price and the sale price
The difference is the amount of money Ana will be saving. It can be calculated by subtracting the sale price from the original price:

Difference = Original Price - Sale Price
Difference = $1600 - $1250 = $350

Step 3: Calculate the percentage of savings
To find the percentage of savings, divide the difference by the original price and then multiply by 100:

Percentage of Savings = (Difference / Original Price) * 100
Percentage of Savings = ($350 / $1600) * 100

Using a calculator or dividing it manually, we can find:

Percentage of Savings = 0.21875 * 100
Percentage of Savings ≈ 21.88%

So, Ana will save approximately 21.88% on the computer purchase during the sale.