what is a good haiku poem on the school cafeteria?

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oh okay! thanks Ms. Sue !! :-)

You're welcome.

To create a haiku poem on the school cafeteria, follow these simple steps:

1. Understand the structure: A traditional haiku consists of three lines with a syllable pattern of 5-7-5.
2. Brainstorm ideas: Think about the different aspects of a school cafeteria, such as the food, noise, atmosphere, or interactions.
3. Choose an element to focus on: Select one aspect that stands out or that you find interesting.
4. Write your haiku: Compose three lines that paint a vivid image or express a moment related to your chosen element. Remember to adhere to the 5-7-5 syllable pattern.

Here is an example:

Noisy trays clatter,
Laughter echoes through the hall.
Lunchtime delights us.

In this haiku, the focus is on the bustling and lively nature of the cafeteria during lunchtime.