Geothermal power would be classified as a(n) _____________________ resource because its supply will not run out.



To determine whether geothermal power is classified as a renewable resource, we need to understand what a renewable resource is.

A renewable resource is a natural resource that replenishes itself over time, or is virtually inexhaustible. It is sustainable and will not run out as long as proper management and utilization practices are implemented.

Geothermal power is considered a renewable resource because it utilizes heat from the Earth's core, which is constantly replenished by the planet's natural heat production. This means that as long as the Earth's core maintains its heat, geothermal power will not run out as an energy source.

To confirm this classification, you can refer to sources such as scientific publications, government reports, and energy organizations that provide information on renewable energy sources. These sources will explain why geothermal power is considered sustainable and will not deplete like fossil fuels or other non-renewable sources.