It's called Mike's Online Biology: MOB University.

Click physics Tutoring tab -> chapter 9 -> scroll down to question #13 with video below it. I used it as a guide.

I found it all right. He has a pretty convoluted way of explaining it but it is the same thing. I have no idea why he converted to cm^3 rather than to meters^3 from Liters

1000 Liters = 1 m^3
1 Liter = 1000 cm^3
1 m^3 = 1,000,000 cm^3
but it is standard to work in meters, kg and seconds

You understand that he used quite different numbers in his example, D = 2.71 diameter

24 liters instead of 25
1.1 instead of 1.4 min

Yep, it was a bit confusing, but I just looked at what he was doing and used my numbers.

Based on the information provided, it seems that you are referring to a specific resource called "Mike's Online Biology: MOB University" for studying biology. To access the material related to physics tutoring, follow these steps:

1. Go to the website of Mike's Online Biology: MOB University.
2. Look for a tab or menu labeled "Physics Tutoring" or something similar.
3. Click on the "Physics Tutoring" tab to access the physics-related resources.
4. Within the Physics Tutoring section, search or navigate to find Chapter 9.
5. Once you have located Chapter 9, scroll down until you reach Question #13.
6. Below Question #13, you should find a video that serves as a guide for answering or understanding the question.

Following these steps should allow you to access the specific content you mentioned: Question #13 with a video guide underneath it. Keep in mind that the website itself may have its own navigation and layout, so adapt this guide accordingly.