The question about who has the right to vote is a matter of ______________ justice. (Points : 1)

My answer retributive

Which of the following is a matter of controversy for egalitarians? (Points : 1)
Whether the right to equal distribution of goods and services applies globally.
Whether the right to equal distribution of goods and services applies nationally.
Whether the right to equal distribution of goods and services applies at the state level.
Whether the right to equal distribution of goods and services applies within families.

my answer the last one

According to cosmopolitanism, who must defend individual rights when nations fail to do so? (Points : 1)
Individuals themselves
The nation’s militia
Religious leaders
Organizations responsible for global justice

my answer number 1

Please check your book. I don't think any of your answers is right.

The question about who has the right to vote is a matter of distributive justice. Distributive justice focuses on the fair distribution of resources, opportunities, and rights among members of a society. In this case, the right to vote is considered a valuable resource or opportunity that should be distributed fairly among citizens.

To determine the answer to this question, one would need to consider the principles and norms of distributive justice within a particular society or legal system. This may involve examining laws, constitutions, and social norms to understand who is eligible to vote and who is not.

Regarding the second question about egalitarians, egalitarianism is a philosophical and political theory that advocates for equality in the distribution of goods and resources. The controversy for egalitarians here lies in determining the scope of equal distribution. Should the right to equal distribution of goods and services apply globally, nationally, at the state level, or even within families? This question prompts debate among egalitarians about the extent and boundaries of equality and how it should be implemented.

To address this question, one would need to consider different arguments and perspectives within the field of egalitarianism. This may involve exploring theories and writings by egalitarian thinkers and analyzing the different positions and critiques that have been put forward.

Lastly, the question about cosmopolitanism revolves around the responsibility of defending individual rights when nations fail to do so. Cosmopolitanism is the belief in a global community where individuals have equal moral standing, regardless of nationality. According to this philosophy, individuals themselves are responsible for defending their own rights when nations fail to protect them.

To arrive at this answer, one would need to understand the principles and ideas of cosmopolitanism, which emphasize the individual's agency and moral obligations in a global context. This may involve studying the works of cosmopolitan thinkers and exploring the arguments and justifications they provide for individual responsibility in cases of national failures.