Write 278 as a product of prime numbers.

Multiply 28x72 using lattice method.

278 = 2*139

139 is a prime number to that is the end

***** 2 ***** 8 ****

1->2 1/4 **** 5/6 ** 7

9->0 0/4 **** 1/6 ** 2

11->1 *** 6

I don't understand how you got 2016. I understand how you added to get the 1,9, 11, and 6. But I do not understand where you got the 1->2, 9->0, and 11->1.

To write 278 as a product of prime numbers, we need to find the prime factors of 278.

To start, we can check if 2 is a factor of 278. If it is, we divide 278 by 2 and continue dividing the result by 2 until it is no longer divisible by 2:

278 ÷ 2 = 139

Since 139 is a prime number, we have found the prime factorization of 278:

278 = 2 x 139

Therefore, 278 can be written as the product of the prime numbers 2 and 139.

Now, let's move on to multiplying 28x72 using the lattice method:

To multiply 28 by 72 using the lattice method, we create a grid with two columns and two rows:

| 20 | 8
70 | |
2 | |

We write 20 in the top left cell, and 8 in the bottom right cell.

Next, we multiply the numbers along the top row and the numbers along the right column:

| 20 | 8
70 | 1400 | 560
2 | 40 | 16

We get 1400 in the cell diagonally opposite to the numbers we multiplied (20 x 70) and 560 in the other diagonal cell.

Lastly, we add the numbers in the diagonal cells:

1400 + 560 = 1960

Therefore, 28 multiplied by 72 using the lattice method equals 1960.