Below are descriptions about the programs that are designed to help prevent suicide. Which statement is true?

A. CBT because it teaches the skills needed to deal better with upsetting situations.

B. DBT, sometimes called collaborative care management, uses a team approach.

C. DCM because it can help people learn new ways of dealing with stressful experiences by training them to consider alternative actions when thoughts of suicide arise

D. None of the above

I think it's not A, and B

A. CBT helps people learn new ways of avoiding stressful experiences through withdrawal is the answer.

All of them are not true so I put the answer D, I will tell later if I was right

Hope this helped. Found it at weegy.

Correct answer was D

A was correct for me

so which one is it? none or CBT?

It is D. None of the above

All the statements sound correct but have incorrect descriptions. DCM is not a program and the description for it is actually CBT. DBT is not collaborative care management.

Additionally, I have completed that particular Exam and received 100 pts.

Ashley and mix_lks I go with D. too. Like Ashley said, A.,B., and C. have incorrect descriptions.

I am doing that Exam too.

To determine the correct answer, we can analyze the descriptions of the different programs.

A. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a psychological treatment that aims to help individuals recognize and modify negative thought patterns and behaviors. While it can be beneficial for coping with upsetting situations, it does not specifically focus on suicide prevention.

B. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a form of therapy that combines elements of CBT with strategies like mindfulness and acceptance. Collaborative care management, on the other hand, is an approach that involves a team working together to coordinate care for individuals with complex health conditions. These two descriptions are unrelated.

C. Dialectical Crisis Management (DCM) is a crisis intervention program that aims to teach individuals alternative ways of dealing with stressful experiences when thoughts of suicide arise. This aligns with suicide prevention goals.

Based on the descriptions provided, it appears that statement C is the true statement. DCM is a program that helps individuals learn new ways of dealing with stressful experiences by training them to consider alternative actions when thoughts of suicide arise.

Therefore, the correct answer is C.