1. What causes Brer Lion to be tied to a tree? (1 point)

>>>his fear<<<
his strength
his obedience to Brer Rabbit

Which of the following is a reasonable prediction about what will happen after this story is over? (1 point)
Brer Lion and Brer Rabbit will become good friends.
Brer Rabbit will start working out so he can be as strong as Brer Lion.
>>>Brer Lion will never trust Brer Rabbit again.<<<
Brer Rabbit has learned his lesson and won't play tricks anymore.

3. Why will the other animals not mess with Brer Rabbit after they see Brer Lion tied up? (1 point)
They're scared of him.
They're angry about how he treated the lion.
They think he's crazy.
The lion tells them not to.

4. "Brer" is dialect for (1 point)

5. What is the main reason to ask questions as you read a story? (1 point)
to describe the characters
to summarize the plot
to identify the author’s purpose
>>>to aid in your comprehension<<<

dunno 3rd one

What is the name of this story? Is Aesop the author?

ooooh, so sorry ms.sue!

its, "Brer Rabbit and Brer Lion" by Julius Lester

3. A

Thanks. I just read the story online.

Your answers are right.

3.They're scared of him.

i got 3 right!

thank u ms. sue!:D 100%!

You're welcome.


1. The cause of Brer Lion being tied to a tree in the story is due to his fear. To find this answer, you need to read the story and understand the events that led to Brer Lion's predicament. In the story, Brer Rabbit tricks Brer Lion by pretending to be scared and making Brer Lion believe that tying him up to a tree will protect him from the "Tar Baby". Brer Lion's fear makes him agree to being tied up.

2. The reasonable prediction about what will happen after this story is over is that Brer Lion will never trust Brer Rabbit again. To answer this question, you need to analyze the events and character interactions in the story. Brer Rabbit's trickery and manipulation lead to Brer Lion being tied up, causing a loss of trust between the two characters. It is likely that Brer Lion will hold a grudge against Brer Rabbit after this incident.

3. The other animals will not mess with Brer Rabbit after they see Brer Lion tied up because they are scared of him. To answer this question, you need to infer from the information given in the story. Brer Lion is depicted as a powerful and intimidating character. Seeing him tied up would make the other animals fear Brer Rabbit, thinking that if he can overpower a strong predator like Brer Lion, he must be dangerous to mess with.

4. "Brer" is dialect for "brother". To answer this question, you can use your knowledge of dialects or look up the term "Brer" in a dictionary or reference source. "Brer" is a colloquial or dialectal form of "brother" and is commonly used in African American folklore, particularly in the Uncle Remus stories.

5. The main reason to ask questions as you read a story is to aid in your comprehension. Asking questions helps you engage with the text and actively process the information you are reading. By asking questions, you can clarify confusing points, make predictions about the plot, analyze characters' motivations, and better understand the author's purpose. It is a useful reading strategy that enhances comprehension and critical thinking skills.