Which type of graph would best display the numbers of each type of vehicle sold by a large dealership during a year?

bar graph

circle graph

line graph

line plot

Probably a circle graph

It A i thing i went to open study they said A.

Which type of graph would best display the numbers of each type of vehicle sold by a large dealership during a year?

bar graph

circle graph

line graph

line plot

To determine which type of graph would best display the numbers of each type of vehicle sold by a large dealership during a year, we need to consider the characteristics of each graph option:

A. Bar Graph: A bar graph is a good choice when comparing different categories or groups of data. It uses rectangular bars to represent each category, with the height of the bar corresponding to the value or frequency of the data. It can easily show the comparison between different types of vehicles sold.

B. Circle Graph (also known as a Pie Chart): A circle graph is useful when comparing parts of a whole. It represents data as proportional slices of a circle, with each slice representing a different type or category. While a circle graph could be used to display the numbers of each type of vehicle sold, it may be more challenging to compare the numerical values directly.

C. Line Graph: A line graph is typically used to show trends or changes over time. It uses lines to connect data points, which are represented by dots. While a line graph can display the overall trends in vehicle sales over time, it may not be the best choice when comparing the numbers of each type of vehicle sold.

D. Line Plot: A line plot, also known as a dot plot, is a simple graph that represents data by marking individual data points on a number line. It is primarily used to display a smaller data set or to show the distribution of data points. A line plot would not be the most suitable choice for displaying the numbers of each type of vehicle sold by a large dealership during a year.

Based on these descriptions, the best choice for displaying the numbers of each type of vehicle sold by a large dealership during a year would be A. Bar Graph. It allows for clear comparison between the different types of vehicles and their corresponding numbers sold.