What is a quota system?


I found to things:

1) that it limited the number of immigrants in the country

2) that it required a certain number of minority to be hired.

Which one of the two is it?

Both. It can also refer to the ethnicity or economic status of students admitted to college.

How is affirmative action related to education and students?

With affirmative action, certain minority groups are admitted to college even though their grades and test scores may not be as high as some of the majority students.


A quota system is a policy or practice that sets numerical limits or targets on certain actions or outcomes. It is commonly used in various contexts such as employment, education, immigration, trade, and resource management. The purpose of a quota system is to ensure fairness, promote diversity, or achieve specific goals.

To understand what a quota system is in more detail, you can follow these steps to research and gather information:

1. Start by searching for reliable sources such as government websites, academic articles, or reputable news outlets. You can use a search engine like Google or Bing to find relevant information.
2. Look for definitions or descriptions of quota systems. Government websites or legal resources are often a good place to start as they may provide official definitions or current policies related to quotas.
3. Explore different contexts where quota systems are used. Quotas can vary in their application, so it is important to understand how they are utilized in specific areas such as employment (e.g., hiring quotas for underrepresented groups), education (e.g., quotas for college admissions), or trade (e.g., import quotas to protect domestic industries).
4. Examine the goals or objectives behind the implementation of quota systems. Quotas are designed to address certain issues, such as promoting diversity, rectifying historical imbalances, or managing limited resources. Understanding the underlying motivations is crucial in comprehending the rationale behind quota systems.
5. Assess the pros and cons of quota systems. Like any policy, quota systems have advantages and disadvantages. Consider the effects on individuals, industries, or society as a whole. This broader perspective will ensure a more comprehensive understanding of the topic.
6. Look for examples or case studies that illustrate the impact of quota systems. Real-world examples can provide insights into how quota systems operate in practice and their potential successes or challenges.

By following these steps, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of what a quota system is, how it is implemented in different contexts, and the effects it has on various stakeholders.