(This question ties into the previous question I posted about mRNA).

Use the Universal triplet code to determine the sequence of amino acids that would be generated for each of the mRNA sequences that you generated in question 2. Remember that the reading of mRNA goes in the 5'-3' direction. Are the amino acid sequences the same?



In order to determine the sequence of amino acids produced by a given mRNA sequence, we need to refer to the Universal Triplet Code (also known as the Genetic Code). The Universal Triplet Code is a set of codons (three-nucleotide sequences) that specify the amino acids during protein synthesis.

To find the amino acid sequence, we will need the mRNA sequences of both (a) and (b) that you mentioned. Without the specific mRNA sequences, I cannot provide an accurate answer to your question. The mRNA sequences determine the codons, which in turn determine the corresponding amino acids.

Once you provide the mRNA sequences for (a) and (b), we can use the Universal Triplet Code to determine the amino acid sequences. From there, we can compare the sequences to see if they are the same or different.