Which of the following does not belong in a conclusion paragraph?

None, apparently.

In order to determine which of the following does not belong in a conclusion paragraph, we should first understand what a conclusion paragraph is. A conclusion paragraph is the final section of an essay or any written piece, where the main points and arguments are summarized and restated. Its purpose is to provide closure to the reader and leave a lasting impression.

To identify which of the following options does not belong in a conclusion paragraph, we need to consider the characteristics of an effective conclusion:

1. Restatement of the thesis statement: A conclusion paragraph usually begins with a restatement of the thesis statement, reminding the reader of the main argument or the purpose of the piece.

2. Summary of main points: The conclusion should briefly summarize the main points discussed in the essay or article. This helps to reinforce the key ideas and ensure that the reader fully understands the content.

3. Final thoughts or closing remarks: Additionally, a good conclusion often provides some final thoughts, reflections, or closing remarks on the topic. This helps to leave a memorable impression on the reader and can offer suggestions for further research or action.

Based on these characteristics, the option that does not belong in a conclusion paragraph would be:

- New information or additional arguments: A conclusion paragraph should not introduce new information or present new arguments since it is meant to summarize the existing content. It should focus on reinforcing the main points rather than introducing new ones.

Therefore, the option that does not belong in a conclusion paragraph is "New information or additional arguments."

Remember, it is always important to read the full context of the question and have a clear understanding of the topic and purpose of the conclusion paragraph to arrive at the correct answer.