This number is less than 200. The ones digit is 5 less than 10. The tens digit is 2 more than the ones digit. What is the number?

The ones digit is 5 less than 10. ---> xx5

The tens digit is 2 more than the ones digit -- x75

it must be less than 200

so it is either 175 or 75

I am a number between 100 and 200.the sum of my digits is ones digit is two times my hundreds digit.

I am a number between 100 and 200.the sum of my digits is ones digit is two times my hundreds digit.

To find the number, we need to analyze the given information.

Let's break down the clues one by one:

1. The number is less than 200. This means that it could be any number from 0 to 199.

2. The ones digit is 5 less than 10. Since the ones digit is 5 less than 10, it must be 10 - 5 = 5.

3. The tens digit is 2 more than the ones digit. Based on clue 2, the ones digit is 5. So, the tens digit must be 5 + 2 = 7.

Combining the tens digit and the ones digit, the number is 75.