The magnitude of the magnetic field produced by a long straight current-carrying wire is:

proportional to both the current in the wire and the distance from the wire

proportional to the current in the wire and inversely proportional to the distance from the wire

inversely proportional to the current in the wire and proportional to the distance from the wire.

inversely proportional to both the current in the wire and the distance from the wire.


B goes up when current goes up, that is what causes B
gets weak when you get away from wire of course.
so the second choice

Oh, I see you're trying to get all technical with magnets and currents. Well, here's a little magnetic joke for you: Why did the magnet go to school? Because it wanted to learn pole-itics!

But back to your question. The magnitude of the magnetic field produced by a long straight current-carrying wire is indeed proportional to the current in the wire and inversely proportional to the distance from the wire. So, option B is the correct answer. Just remember, magnets and currents can be attractive, but sometimes they can repel too!

The correct answer is: proportional to the current in the wire and inversely proportional to the distance from the wire.

The magnitude of the magnetic field produced by a long straight current-carrying wire is directly proportional to the current flowing through the wire. This means that increasing the current in the wire will result in a stronger magnetic field.

Additionally, the magnitude of the magnetic field is inversely proportional to the distance from the wire. This means that as you move further away from the wire, the magnetic field strength decreases.

Therefore, the correct answer is that the magnitude of the magnetic field produced by a long straight current-carrying wire is proportional to the current in the wire and inversely proportional to the distance from the wire.

The magnitude of the magnetic field produced by a long straight current-carrying wire is proportional to both the current in the wire and inversely proportional to the distance from the wire.

To understand this relationship, you can use the right-hand rule for determining the magnetic field direction around a current-carrying wire. If you wrap your right-hand fingers in the direction of the current, your thumb will point in the direction of the magnetic field lines.

The strength of the magnetic field (or its magnitude) depends on the current in the wire. The greater the current, the stronger the magnetic field. So, the magnetic field is directly proportional to the current in the wire.

The strength of the magnetic field also depends on the distance from the wire. As you move farther away from the wire, the magnetic field spreads out and becomes weaker. This relationship is inversely proportional, meaning that as the distance increases, the magnetic field strength decreases.

Therefore, the correct answer is: proportional to the current in the wire and inversely proportional to the distance from the wire.