Mike drank more than half the juice in his glass. What fraction of the juice could Mike have drunk?


3/5, 4/5

any ratio where the less than twice the numerator

one-half = 1/2

He might have drunk 5/8 or 2/3 or 3/4 or 9/16 of the glass of juice.




A school principal ordered 1000 pencils.he gave an equal number to each 7 teachers until he had given out as many as possible .how many pencils are left ?

you would have a whole


To determine the fraction of juice Mike could have drunk, we need to consider the amount of juice that is left in the glass. We know that Mike drank more than half of the juice, so let's assume he drank "x" out of "y" total units of juice, where x is greater than y/2.

To find the fraction, we express x as a fraction of y. The fraction of juice Mike could have drunk is x/y.

However, we don't have the specific values of x and y, so we cannot determine the exact fraction. If you have more information about the quantities involved, you can substitute the values and calculate the fraction accordingly.