George says that if you subtract 185 degrees from an angle that measures 360 degrees, the new angle is an obtuse angle. Is this true

Yes. An obtuse angle has more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees.

To determine if the new angle after subtracting 185 degrees from an angle measuring 360 degrees is obtuse or not, we need to consider the definition of an obtuse angle.

An obtuse angle is an angle that measures more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees.

So, let's calculate the new angle by subtracting 185 degrees from 360 degrees:

New angle = 360 degrees - 185 degrees = 175 degrees

Now, let's compare the measurement of the new angle (175 degrees) with the range of an obtuse angle (more than 90 and less than 180 degrees). Since 175 degrees falls within this range, we can conclude that the new angle is indeed an obtuse angle.

Therefore, George's statement is true.