John bought 3 of the same shirt and paid 63.00 after the 30%

discount.What was the original price of one of the shirts ? Not sure at all how to do this. Thank you

0.7x = 63

x = 90

90 / 3 = 30

let the original cost of one shirt be x

so three shirts cost 3x
reduced by 30% leaves you with .7(3x)

.7(3x) = 63
2.1x = 63
x = 63/2.1 = 30

Just noticed this same question was asked last year.

Now you have 3 different solutions, each with the same answer

Thanks everyone for the help

To find the original price of one shirt, we need to work backwards from the discounted price.

Step 1: Calculate the discount amount.
The discount percentage is given as 30%, which is equivalent to 0.30 in decimal form. So, the discount amount can be calculated by multiplying the original price by the discount percentage.

Discount amount = 0.30 * Original price

Step 2: Subtract the discount amount from the original price to find the discounted price for one shirt.
Discounted price = Original price - Discount amount

Step 3: Divide the discounted price by 3 to find the individual discounted price for one shirt.
Individual discounted price = Discounted price / 3

Step 4: Finally, divide the individual discounted price by (1 - discount percentage) to find the original price of one shirt.
Original price = Individual discounted price / (1 - Discount percentage)

Let's calculate it:

Step 1:
Discount amount = 0.30 * Original price

Step 2:
Discounted price = Original price - Discount amount

Step 3:
Individual discounted price = Discounted price / 3

Step 4:
Original price = Individual discounted price / (1 - Discount percentage)

Now, let's plug in the values given in the question to calculate the original price:

Step 1:
Discount amount = 0.30 * Original price = 0.3 * X (where X is the original price)

Step 2:
Discounted price = X - (0.3 * X) = X - 0.3X = 0.7X

Step 3:
Individual discounted price = Discounted price / 3 = 0.7X / 3

Step 4:
Original price = Individual discounted price / (1 - Discount percentage)
= (0.7X / 3) / (1 - 0.3)
= (0.7X / 3) / 0.7
= X / 3

So, the original price of one shirt is X / 3.

Given that John paid $63.00 for three shirts after the 30% discount, we can set up the equation:

3 * (X / 3) = $63.00

Simplifying the equation, we find:

X = $63.00

Therefore, the original price of one shirt is $21.00.