How do you classify the sentence:

The hunting dog tracked the raccoon through the brush.

A adj n/v a DO (p a op)

Is this correct?

Where's the subject?

dog is the sn

The (a) hunging (adj) dog (sn)/ tracked (v) the (a) raccoon (do) through (p) the (a) brush (op).

That should say hunting*

OK, looks good.

Thank you

The hunting dog tracked the raccoon through the brush.

Yes, your classification of the sentence is mostly correct. However, there are a few corrections to make:

- Instead of "A," we usually use the abbreviation "Det" for determiner or "Art" for article. In this case, the determiner "The" is used before the noun "hunting dog," so it should be classified as "Det."
- "n/v" is not the correct classification for the word "tracked." "n/v" stands for noun/verb, but "tracked" is a verb in this sentence, so it should be classified as "v" (verb).
- "DO" should actually be "Obj" (object), which stands for the direct object. In this sentence, the direct object is "the raccoon." Therefore, it should be classified as "Obj."
- There is no need for "p," which usually denotes a preposition, and "a" and "op" are unclear in this context.

The corrected classification for the sentence would be:

Det n v Obj prep Det n