One property used to broadly classify elements is malleability. If a substance is malleable, it can be hammered, shaped, and flattened without shattering. Which group of elements has this property?

A. Metals
B. Metalloids
C. Nonmetals
D. Noble gases

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A. Metals

The property of malleability refers to the ability of a substance to be hammered, shaped, and flattened without shattering. This specific property is primarily exhibited by the elements known as metals.

To answer this question, we need to have some understanding of the periodic table of elements. The periodic table categorizes elements into different groups based on their similar properties.

In this case, we are looking for the group of elements that have the property of malleability. Let's consider the options:

A. Metals: Metals are elements that generally exhibit properties like malleability, ductility, and high electrical and thermal conductivity. So, metals have the property of malleability. This option is a possible answer.

B. Metalloids: Metalloids are elements that share some properties of both metals and nonmetals. They generally have intermediate properties and are less malleable compared to metals. So, metalloids are less likely to be the answer.

C. Nonmetals: Nonmetals are elements that typically lack metallic properties like malleability. They are often brittle and prone to shattering when subjected to mechanical stress. Thus, nonmetals are less likely to have the property of malleability.

D. Noble gases: Noble gases are chemically inactive and have a full complement of electrons in their outermost energy level, making them highly stable and unreactive. They do not exhibit metallic properties like malleability. Therefore, noble gases are unlikely to have the property of malleability.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer to the question is A. Metals as they are the group of elements that have the property of malleability.