1. Moral principles or moral rules such as "never kill an innocent human being" might be described as:

A. virtues.

B. conditionals.

C. maxims.

D. courses of best interest.

is it A

2. Which of the following would be a form of disablement?
A. Committing a sex offender in a secure psychiatric hospital

B. Removing the hands of a thief

C. Removing a public official from office

D. All of the above

im confused between B and D



2. D

__________ imperatives direct behavior if a desired goal is to be achieved, whereas __________ imperatives are absolute and ought to be followed always.

A. Categorical; unconditional
B. Hypothetical; categorical
C. Consequential; absolute
D. Hypothetical; unconditional

To answer the first question, you need to understand the meaning of the terms given as options. Moral principles or moral rules often serve as guidelines for moral behavior.

A. Virtues: These are positive character traits or qualities that individuals possess, such as honesty, compassion, or courage.

B. Conditionals: This term generally refers to statements that describe circumstances or conditions that must be met for a particular action or result to occur. It is not typically used to describe moral principles or rules.

C. Maxims: Maxims are brief statements that capture general truths or rules of conduct. Moral maxims represent ethical principles that guide decision-making.

D. Courses of best interest: This phrase does not adequately describe moral principles or rules.

Given these definitions, the correct answer is C. Maxims, as they serve as concise descriptions of moral principles or rules.