If X varies inversely with Y and X=8 when Y= 10, find Y when X=6

Answer choices are

A: y= 3/20

B: y= 4.8

C: y= 7.5

D: y= 40/3

Inversely means they're on opposite sides of the fraction (meaning one is the numerator, one is the denominator). So:

8/10 = 6/Y
8Y = 60
Y = 60/8 = 7.5

The answer is C.


Your answer is INCORRECT.
The correct formula is:
k= 8*10
simplify the fraction to y=40/3.
I am a homeschool teacher.

To find the value of Y when X is equal to 6, we can use the inverse variation formula, which states that X * Y = k, where k is a constant.

Given that X varies inversely with Y, we can write this as:

X * Y = k

From the information provided, we know that X = 8 when Y = 10. Plugging these values into the equation, we can solve for k:

8 * 10 = k
k = 80

Now that we have the value of k, we can find Y when X = 6 by rearranging the formula:

X * Y = k
6 * Y = 80
Y = 80 / 6
Y = 40/3

Therefore, the answer is y = 40/3.

Hence, the correct answer choice is D: y = 40/3.