
This requires some Alg II...

Initial Problem...
14x^2 + 19x + 32 = 18

Move "C term" to the right.
14x^2 + 19x = -14

Divide both sides by 14.
x^2 + 19x/14 = -1

Complete the square.
x^2 + 19x/14 + 361/784 = -1 + 361/784

Simplify and factor...
(x + 19/28)^2 = -423/784

Square root both sides.
x + 19/28 = ±i√(423/784)

Rationalize right side.
x + 19/28 = (±3i√47)/28

Isolate x.
x = -19/28 ±3i√(47)/28