Sorry. Just testing something. Posted 2 answers and they are not showing up. Wonder if a question shows up.

Which questions?

I see two that you answered. Do you see them?

No problem! Sometimes it may take a few moments for the answers or questions to appear on the platform, especially if there is a high volume of activity. However, if you have posted an answer and it still hasn't shown up after some time, there are a few possible reasons for this:

1. Refresh the page: Try refreshing the browser page to see if the answer appears. It could be a temporary glitch or delay in the system.

2. Check your internet connection: Ensure you have a stable internet connection. Sometimes a weak or interrupted connection can cause delays in content loading.

3. Verify the submission: Double-check if you have actually submitted the answer successfully. Sometimes, clicking the submit button may not register due to various reasons, such as browser issues or network problems.

If none of these steps resolves the issue, it might be worth reaching out to the platform's technical support for assistance.