What is she like?

1. She is smart.
2. She is friendly.
3. She is generous.
4. She is reserved and pretty.
5. She is tall and has long hair.
6. She is short.
7. She looks heavy and strong.
Are the answers all correct? What about #5 and 6 and 7?

They are all correct.

However, we don't usually pair heavy and strong, especially when referring to a woman.

You might want to say --
She looks muscular and strong.

To determine if the answers are correct, we can analyze each statement individually:

1. "She is smart" is a subjective statement and cannot be objectively verified without more context or evidence.

2. "She is friendly" is also a subjective statement that depends on the perception of the person making the statement. It cannot be objectively confirmed without additional information or interacting with the person in question.

3. "She is generous" is another subjective statement that can only be confirmed through evidence or personal experiences with the individual.

4. "She is reserved and pretty" is a combination of subjective and objective statements. The term "reserved" may be difficult to quantify objectively, but the term "pretty" is subjective and subject to personal opinions and standards of beauty.

5. "She is tall and has long hair" is an objective statement that can be confirmed by physically observing the person. To determine if this statement is correct, one would need to see the person in question.

6. "She is short" is another objective statement that can be determined by physically observing the person's height. Again, to confirm this statement, one would need to see the person.

7. "She looks heavy and strong" is a subjective statement that relies on personal perception and interpretation. Without further context or specific criteria, it is difficult to determine if this statement is correct or not.

In conclusion, the subjective statements (#1, #2, #3, #4, and #7) cannot be definitively categorized as correct or incorrect, as they rely on personal opinions and perceptions. The objective statements (#5 and #6) can be confirmed by physically observing the person in question.