Adrian jogs 3/4 mile each morning. How many days will it take him to jog 3 miles?

3 / (3/4)

3 * (4/3) = 12/3 = 4

Adrian jogs 3/4 each morning how many days will it take him to jog 3 miles

4 days

It is 4 days

To find the number of days it will take Adrian to jog 3 miles, we need to divide the total distance by the distance he jogs each day.

Since Adrian jogs 3/4 mile each morning, we can set up the equation:

Total distance / Distance jogged per day = Number of days

Substituting the given values into the equation:

3 miles / (3/4) mile = Number of days

To divide by a fraction, we can multiply the numerator by the reciprocal of the fraction:

3 miles * (4/3) = Number of days

Now, we can simplify the equation:

12/3 miles = Number of days

4 miles = Number of days

Therefore, it will take Adrian 4 days to jog 3 miles.



How many times does 3/4 go into 3 ?
(use this to figure out the answer).
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" I don't know",
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3\4 3

Adrian jogs 3/4 miles each day. How many days will it take him to jog 3 miles.