A woman who recently came home from a tropical vacation now has abdominal pain and diarrhea. Her

blood test results show an elevated eosinophil level. Which organism is most likely the cause of her illness?
A. Bacteria
B. Virus
C. Fungus
D. Parasite

I got D

I agree.

What causes the bicuspid valve to open and begin filling the left ventricle of the heart with blood?

A. Left ventricular contraction
B. Blood returning from the pulmonary vein
C. Contraction of the right ventricle
D. Deoxygenated blood returning from the upper body

I got A

To identify the most likely cause of the woman's illness, we can look at the information given. The fact that she recently came home from a tropical vacation, combined with symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, and an elevated eosinophil level, suggests a possible parasitic infection. Here's how you can arrive at this answer:

1. Consider the Symptoms: Abdominal pain and diarrhea are common symptoms of gastrointestinal infections. While these symptoms can be caused by various organisms, certain infections acquired during travel to tropical regions are known to cause similar symptoms.

2. Note the Travel History: The fact that the woman recently returned from a tropical vacation is significant. Tropical regions are known for certain infections that are not commonly found in other parts of the world.

3. Understand the Role of Eosinophils: Eosinophils are a type of white blood cell that can indicate an allergic or parasitic infection. An elevated eosinophil level suggests an immune response against a parasitic infection.

4. Consider the Options: Based on the given choices (bacteria, virus, fungus, and parasite), the most likely cause of her illness would be a parasite. Parasites are typically acquired through ingesting contaminated food or water or through insect bites, both of which she may have encountered during her tropical vacation.

So, from the provided options, the correct answer would be D. Parasite.