Suzan has a 69 as her grade in a class.

If she does a quiz worth 9% of her grade

what will her grade be?

is the answer 75.21??

What score did she get on the quiz?


To calculate Suzan's new grade after the quiz, you need to consider the weightage of the quiz in her overall grade. The quiz is worth 9% of her grade, which means it contributes 9% towards her final grade.

To find out Suzan's new grade after the quiz, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the quiz weightage into a decimal by dividing it by 100. In this case, 9% is equivalent to 0.09.

Step 2: Multiply Suzan's current grade (69) by the remaining weightage (1 - 0.09 = 0.91) to calculate the cumulative contribution of her current grade to her final grade.

69 * 0.91 = 62.79

Step 3: Multiply the quiz grade by its weightage (0.09) to determine the contribution of the quiz towards her final grade.

Quiz grade = 69 (as mentioned)
Quiz contribution = 69 * 0.09 = 6.21

Step 4: Calculate the final grade by summing up the cumulative contribution of her current grade and the contribution of the quiz.

Final grade = Cumulative contribution + Quiz contribution
Final grade = 62.79 + 6.21
Final grade = 69

Therefore, Suzan's grade after the quiz will remain the same at 69.