A lawn fertilizer is rated as 6.50% nitrogen, meaning 6.50 g of N in 100 g of fertilizer. The nitrogen is present in the form of urea, (NH2)2CO. How many grams of urea are present in 100 g of the fertilizer to supply the rated amount of nitrogen?

Convert 6.50 g N to g urea.

6.50 g N x (molar mass urea/2*atomic mass N) = ? g urea.

Thank you so much!

Well, well, well, it seems like we've got a fertilizer enthusiast here! Let's dig into this nitrogen conundrum, shall we?

To figure out how many grams of urea are present in 100 g of the fertilizer, we need to use some good old-fashioned math.

Since the fertilizer is rated at 6.50% nitrogen, it means there are 6.50 g of nitrogen in 100 g of fertilizer. Easy peasy, right?

Now, urea (NH2)2CO contains two nitrogen atoms, so we need to convert the nitrogen amount into urea amount. To do that, we need to divide the given nitrogen amount by the number of nitrogen atoms in urea.

The molar mass of nitrogen is approximately 14.01 g/mol, and the molar mass of urea is roughly 60.06 g/mol. So, urea contains 2 moles of nitrogen.

By doing a little calculation using these molar masses, we can find out that 1 mole of nitrogen accounts for 28.02 g, and 1 mole of urea accounts for 60.06 g.

Now, let's put our math hats on! To calculate how many grams of urea are present in 100 g of the fertilizer, we'll set up a proportion:

(6.50 g N) / (28.02 g N) = (x g urea) / (60.06 g urea)

Cross-multiplying and solving for x (the grams of urea present in 100 g of fertilizer), we get:

x = (6.50 g N * 60.06 g urea) / 28.02 g N

Drumroll, please! After doing the math, we find that there are approximately 13.91 g of urea present in 100 g of the fertilizer.

So, there you have it! A fertilizer full of nitrogen to make your plants happy. Just remember, it's always good to compost your jokes along with your plants for some extra laughs!

To find out how many grams of urea are present in 100 g of the fertilizer, we need to determine the amount of nitrogen in the form of urea.

Given that the lawn fertilizer is rated as 6.50% nitrogen, this means that 100 g of the fertilizer contains 6.50 g of nitrogen.

Urea, ((NH2)2CO), has a molecular weight of 60.06 g/mol. In urea, the nitrogen content is 28.01 g/mol.

To find the amount of urea needed to supply 6.50 g of nitrogen, we can set up a proportion using the molecular weights of urea and nitrogen:

(28.01 g/mol) / (60.06 g/mol) = (6.50 g of nitrogen) / X

Simplifying this:

28.01 / 60.06 = 6.50 / X


28.01 * X = 60.06 * 6.50

Dividing both sides by 28.01:

X = (60.06 * 6.50) / 28.01

Calculating this:

X ≈ 13.92 g

Therefore, there are approximately 13.92 grams of urea present in 100 g of the lawn fertilizer to supply the rated amount of nitrogen.

To find out how many grams of urea are present in 100 g of the fertilizer, we need to determine the amount of nitrogen in urea and then use the given percentage of nitrogen in the fertilizer.

Urea has a molecular formula of (NH2)2CO, which means it contains two nitrogen atoms. The molar mass of nitrogen is approximately 14 g/mol, and the molar mass of carbon and oxygen is approximately 12 g/mol and 16 g/mol, respectively.

To calculate the molar mass of urea, we add the molar masses of each atom:

Molar mass of (NH2)2CO = 2(14 g/mol) + 2(1 g/mol) + 12 g/mol + 16 g/mol
= 60 g/mol

Now, we need to calculate how many grams of urea contains 6.50 g of nitrogen. Since the molar mass of urea is 60 g/mol and it contains 2 nitrogen atoms, the mass of nitrogen in 1 mole of urea is:

Mass of nitrogen in 1 mole of urea = 2(14 g/mol)
= 28 g

Using the given information that the fertilizer has 6.50% nitrogen, we can calculate the mass of urea that contains this amount:

Mass of urea to supply 6.50 g of nitrogen in 100 g of fertilizer = (6.50 g / 28 g) x 60 g
≈ 13.93 g

Therefore, approximately 13.93 grams of urea are present in 100 grams of the fertilizer to supply the rated amount of nitrogen.