During the 1950s, the advent of _______ created the largest and fastest-growing impact on American

A. television.
B. suburban communities
C. educational reform
D. fundamentalist religion.

I think it's D. Am I correct?


Fundamentalist religion did not start in the 1950s. Fundamentalists in all religions have been around since these religions began.

So, it will be A then.

Right. During the 1950s, television became wildly popular.

In 1950, 9% of American homes had a TV set. By 1960, 87% had a TV.

Thanks for the help :)

You're welcome.


To find the correct answer to this question, we need to analyze each option and determine which one had the largest and fastest-growing impact on American society during the 1950s.

Option A: Television. During the 1950s, television became increasingly popular in American households. It allowed people to access news, entertainment, and other forms of media from the comfort of their homes. Television undoubtedly influenced American society, but it did not have the largest and fastest-growing impact during this time.

Option B: Suburban communities. The 1950s saw a significant growth in suburban communities across America. This expansion was driven by factors such as the availability of affordable housing, the baby boom, and the desire for a more suburban lifestyle. Suburban communities certainly transformed the American landscape and had a notable impact on society, making this option a strong contender.

Option C: Educational reform. While there were changes and reforms in education during this period, it would not be accurate to say that educational reform had the largest and fastest-growing impact on American society in the 1950s. This option is unlikely.

Option D: Fundamentalist religion. Fundamentalist religion played a role in American society during the 1950s, particularly with the rise of religious revival movements. However, it did not have the largest and fastest-growing impact on society.

Based on the given options, the answer that best fits the description of having the largest and fastest-growing impact on American society during the 1950s is B. Suburban communities. Therefore, your answer of D is not correct.