A family is building a new house on a rectangular lot of land. The lot measures 7x by 11x and the house will be 2x by 3x. How much land will be left for their yard after the house is built? (1 point)

77 x^2 = lot area

6 x^2 = house footprint area

77x^2 - 6 x^2 = 71 x^2

cheating is so fun🙏🏾


the answer is 71 x^2?

tbh i wonder where these ppl at now

he is right i think

damon is right


girl dont act like you're not cheating too


To find out how much land will be left for the yard, we need to find the area of the house and subtract it from the area of the lot.

The area of the lot is given by the formula: Area = Length x Width.

Given that the length of the lot is 7x and the width is 11x, we can calculate the area of the lot:
Area of the lot = 7x * 11x = 77x^2.

Similarly, the area of the house is given by the formula: Area = Length x Width.

Given that the length of the house is 2x and the width is 3x, we can calculate the area of the house:
Area of the house = 2x * 3x = 6x^2.

Now, to find the land left for the yard, we need to subtract the area of the house from the area of the lot:
Land left for the yard = Area of the lot - Area of the house = 77x^2 - 6x^2.

Simplifying the expression, we get:
Land left for the yard = 77x^2 - 6x^2 = 71x^2.

So, after the house is built, there will be 71x^2 land left for the yard.