can anyone answer this...if you want me to try first i came up with the answer A. for the following question

Which of the following best describes a way in which the United States has helped the Mexican economy to grow?

A.allowing Mexican workers in the United States to send remittance home
B.signing NAFTA to encourage free trade
C.providing financial compensation after the Mexican-American War
D.encouraging the growth of Mexican agriculture

Exactly how would we disallow workers from sending their money home?

Like it or not, I think I might choose B.

thanks but i thought of some ways also but i don't think there relavent to this

I recently had an essay on illegal immigrants in the United States and I wrote in there about Mexican workers in the US sending money to Mexico and I got a 100 so I believe A is right.

Damon is right. B is the answer to this question.

Great effort! To find the answer to this question, let's analyze each option and see which one best describes a way in which the United States has helped the Mexican economy grow.

A. Allowing Mexican workers in the United States to send remittance home: Remittances are the money that immigrants send back to their home countries. While remittances do contribute to the Mexican economy, it is not a direct initiative by the United States government to help the Mexican economy grow.

B. Signing NAFTA to encourage free trade: NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) is a trade agreement signed by the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The main purpose of NAFTA is to promote free trade between these countries, which includes reducing trade barriers and increasing market access. This agreement has had a significant impact on the growth of the Mexican economy by facilitating trade and attracting foreign investment, making option B a plausible answer.

C. Providing financial compensation after the Mexican-American War: Although the United States provided compensation to Mexico after the Mexican-American War (1846-1848), this assistance was specifically related to the war and not intended to help the Mexican economy grow in a broader sense. Therefore, this option is not the best choice.

D. Encouraging the growth of Mexican agriculture: While it is possible that the United States may have contributed to the growth of Mexican agriculture through various forms of assistance or agreements, there is no direct evidence or significant initiatives that specifically attribute this involvement to the United States. Therefore, this option is not the best choice.

Based on the analysis above, option B, "Signing NAFTA to encourage free trade," is the most accurate and plausible answer that describes a way in which the United States has helped the Mexican economy grow.