Candy and Tim share a paper route. It takes Candy 70 min to deliver all the papers, and it takes Tim 80 min.

How long does it take the two when they work together?

assuming a proper allocation of papers and distance, then

1/x = 1/70 + 1/80

x = 112/3 minutes

To find out how long it takes for Candy and Tim to complete the paper route when they work together, we can use the concept of "work rate" or "job rate". The work rate represents the speed at which someone can complete a task.

Let's denote Candy's work rate as C (measured in papers per minute) and Tim's work rate as T (also measured in papers per minute).

From the information given, we know that Candy takes 70 minutes to complete the task, so her work rate is:

Candy's work rate (C) = 1 job (delivering all the papers) / 70 minutes

Similarly, Tim takes 80 minutes to complete the task, so his work rate is:

Tim's work rate (T) = 1 job (delivering all the papers) / 80 minutes

Now, when Candy and Tim work together, their work rates add up. So the combined work rate for Candy and Tim is:

Combined work rate (C + T) = Candy's work rate (C) + Tim's work rate (T)

To find out how long it takes them to complete the task together, we need to invert the combined work rate (to get minutes per job):

Time taken when working together = 1 job / (Candy's work rate + Tim's work rate)

Plugging in the values we have:

Time taken when working together = 1 / (C/70 + T/80)

To calculate the actual numerical result, we need to know the values of Candy's and Tim's work rates (C and T). But in this case, we don't have that information. So, unfortunately, we can't determine exactly how long it would take for Candy and Tim to complete the paper route when they work together.