Alexander Falconbridge eventually became governor of a colony for freed slaves in Sierra Leone in Africa, What do you think motivated him to do this?

What do YOU think?

To understand why Alexander Falconbridge became the governor of a colony for freed slaves in Sierra Leone, we need to look at his background and the historical context of the time. Alexander Falconbridge was a British naval surgeon who dedicated a significant portion of his life to studying and advocating against the transatlantic slave trade.

Falconbridge witnessed the appalling conditions on slave ships firsthand during his time as a surgeon in the Royal Navy. He wrote extensively about the brutal treatment of enslaved Africans and the high mortality rate during the Middle Passage. His writings and testimonies played a crucial role in raising awareness about the horrors of the trade.

Motivated by his experiences, Falconbridge actively campaigned for the abolition of the slave trade in Britain. He collaborated with abolitionist societies, such as the Sierra Leone Company, which aimed to establish colonies in West Africa for freed slaves. Sierra Leone, in particular, was chosen due to its strategic location and existing trading connections with Europeans.

Falconbridge likely saw the establishment of a colony for freed slaves in Sierra Leone as a tangible solution to some of the problems he had witnessed. He believed that providing freed slaves with an opportunity to settle in a place free from slavery and oppression would not only offer them a chance at a better life but also help undermine the slave trade by providing a viable alternative for those who sought to profit from it.

His appointment as governor of the colony reflects his commitment to the cause and his belief in the potential of such a project. As governor, Falconbridge would have had the authority to oversee the administration of the colony and ensure the well-being and welfare of its inhabitants.

In summary, Alexander Falconbridge's motivation to become the governor of a colony for freed slaves in Sierra Leone stemmed from his first-hand experiences with the transatlantic slave trade, his advocacy for its abolition, and his belief that establishing such a colony was a practical solution to address the plight of enslaved Africans.