Can someone help me with, the book "Invisible Man" and which character wore the mask.

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Yes, I can help you with that! In the book "Invisible Man" by Ralph Ellison, the main character wears a mask. The character you are referring to is the narrator himself, who is also known as the "invisible man." To understand this concept, we need to dive deeper into the book.

To find out more about the characters and their roles in "Invisible Man," you can start by reading the book or looking for a detailed summary or analysis of the story. There are several ways to access this information:

1. Read the book: The most comprehensive way to understand the characters and their roles is to read the novel itself. By reading the entire book, you will have a complete understanding of the plot, characters, and their motivations.

2. Online resources: There are various online platforms, such as SparkNotes, Shmoop, or CliffsNotes, which provide comprehensive summaries, character analyses, and other related information. These resources can help you gain a deeper understanding of the book and the character who wears the mask.

3. Literary analysis: Another way to explore the characters in "Invisible Man" is by reading academic articles or literary analysis that discuss the novel. These analyses provide in-depth examinations of the characters, their motives, and the symbols used throughout the book. You can find relevant articles through online databases, academic journals, or by consulting your local library.

By utilizing these methods, you can explore the character who wears the mask in "Invisible Man" and gain a better understanding of their significance within the story.