Also~ 18.45 of 880 is what number?

My answer- 1.6192

what does of mean?

for instance, what is 3 of 2? It makes no sense.

It's a percent proportion- is/of = %/100

18% is about 1/5

1/5 of 880 is 176.

How do you come up with such a small value?

aha. As before, you divided by 100 twice, not just once.

Oh! Ok let me try it by dividing only once.

oops the percent it 18.4 not 18.45! Sorry

To find 18.45% of 880, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the percentage to a decimal.
To convert 18.45% to a decimal, divide it by 100:
18.45 / 100 = 0.1845

Step 2: Multiply the decimal by the whole number.
Multiply the decimal (0.1845) by the whole number (880):
0.1845 * 880 = 162.36

Therefore, 18.45% of 880 is 162.36 (rounded to two decimal places).