They spotted a pod of killer whales driving along the ocean highway?answers are dangling, misplace, both, misplace d and dangling, no error

The correct sentence would be "Driving along the ocean highway, they spotted a pod of killer whales.

The correct answer is "no error."

The correct answer is "dangling."

To determine this, we need to understand the meaning and usage of the words given in the sentence: "dangling," "misplace," "both," "misplaced," and "no error."

In this sentence, the verb "spotted" is referring to the subject "they," and the direct object being spotted is "a pod of killer whales." The phrase "driving along the ocean highway" is used to describe how the killer whales were observed.

Now, let's analyze the options:

1. "Dangling" is the correct answer because it refers to a modifier that is not correctly attached to the word it is intended to modify. In the given sentence, the modifier "driving along the ocean highway" is dangling because it is not logically or grammatically connected to the subject "they". A possible revision would be: "They spotted a pod of killer whales driving along the ocean highway."

2. "Misplace" does not appropriately describe the problem in the sentence. "Misplace" typically refers to putting something in the wrong location physically, which is not the issue here.

3. "Both" does not accurately describe any error in the sentence. It suggests that multiple errors are present, but there is only one error.

4. "Misplace d and dangling" is not the correct answer since only the term "dangling" accurately identifies the error.

5. "No error" is incorrect because there is a clear error in the sentence.

Therefore, the correct answer is "dangling."

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