2. A boundary was set between Canada and the United States as a result of?

the Convention of 1818.

the Louisiana Purchase.

the Missouri Compromise.

the Monroe Doctrine.


your answer?

The boundary between Canada and the United States was set as a result of the Convention of 1818. To understand why this boundary was set, we need to go back in time and look at the historical context.

During the 18th and early 19th centuries, there were various territorial disputes between Britain (which controlled Canada at the time) and the United States. These disputes were mainly over land in the northern parts of North America, including present-day Canada.

To resolve these conflicts, representatives from both countries met in London in 1818 for what is known as the Convention of 1818. The goal was to reach an agreement on several issues, including the boundary between the United States and British North America (now Canada).

As a result of the Convention, a compromise was reached. The boundary between Canada and the United States was established along the 49th parallel from the Lake of the Woods to the Rocky Mountains. However, in the area west of the Rocky Mountains, the boundary was not defined, and joint occupation by both countries was permitted.

So, to answer your question, the boundary between Canada and the United States was set as a result of the Convention of 1818. This agreement helped to resolve territorial disputes and establish a clear dividing line between the two countries in the northern part of North America.