2.Which answer best describes the main benefit of the steam engine?

A)It was used to create road-building materials.
B)It was used to power trains and steamboats. **
C)It was used to run many factories in the 1820s.
D)It was used to help dig canals and build railroads

7. Which of the following settled debts that were not resolved by the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo?

A the Monroe Doctrine **

B the Mexican Cession

C the Gadsden Purchase

D the annexation of Texas

(Sorry! I PROMISE this is the last one.)

I have 1 more.

Did the Missouri Compromise:

a. Draw a line in between slave and non-slave states **
B. Creates a slave state and non-slave state

In the years leading up to the Missouri Compromise of 1820, tensions began to rise between pro-slavery and anti-slavery factions within the U.S. Congress and across the country. They reached a boiling point after Missouri’s 1819 request for admission to the Union as a slave state, which threatened to upset the delicate balance between slave states and free states. To keep the peace, Congress orchestrated a two-part compromise, granting Missouri’s request but also admitting Maine as a free state. It also passed an amendment that drew an imaginary line across the former Louisiana Territory, establishing a boundary between free and slave regions that remained the law of the land until it was negated by the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854.


it is c the gadsden purchase

I disagree with your answer for 7.


my answer is incorrect?

Sorry, I was referring to the previous answer. I believe Gadsden Purchase is right.

thanks! I got 100%!

I think the Missouri Compromise did both. It established a boundary between slave and non-slave (which did not work out all that well) and it also traded admission of Maine (free) for Missouri(slave).
