correct the following sentence:

elvis our cat play with his toy and then he played on the scratching post

There are 6 errors but I could only find 5.

Elvis, our cat played with his toy, and then he played on the scratching post.

We need a comma after cat, to set off the appositive.

Great job! You have correctly identified five errors in the sentence. Here is the corrected sentence:

"Elvis, our cat, played with his toy and then played on the scratching post."

Now, let's go through the mistakes and their corrections:

1. Capitalization: The name "Elvis" should be capitalized since it is a proper noun.
2. Missing comma: We need to add a comma after "Elvis" to separate it from the rest of the sentence.
3. Missing comma: There should be a comma after "cat" to separate the appositive phrase "our cat" from the rest of the sentence.
4. Missing comma: We need a comma to separate the two independent clauses "played with his toy" and "then played on the scratching post."
5. Incorrect verb tense: "play" should be changed to "played" in order to match the past tense of the sentence.

So, the corrected sentence is: "Elvis, our cat, played with his toy and then played on the scratching post."