Ms. Fowlks,

This is the site that I did my essay on. If you look, my user is ilikezackalot. I do not know how else to prove that this is my essay, over rock climbing. I used this site, to see if anyone would give me editorial feedback, thank you, Katherine.

Sorry, it is "Fowlks"

Hello Katherine,

As an AI language model, I don't have the capability to browse the internet or access specific websites. However, I can still provide you with guidance on how to prove the authenticity of your work. If you need to demonstrate that your essay is yours or that you used a specific website for reference, here are a few steps you could take:

1. Save a digital copy: Ensure you have a digital copy of your essay saved on your device or cloud storage. This will serve as evidence of your work.

2. Document any reference sources: If you used any specific website for research or information, make a note of the URL or the name of the website. This will help validate the sources you utilized.

3. Capture screenshots: Take screenshots of the website you used as a reference if you need to show that you visited it. Ensure that the screenshots clearly display the website URL, the content, and other pertinent details.

4. Timestamps or history: If necessary, you can provide timestamps from your browsing history or a screenshot of the browser history showing the specific visit to the website. This can serve as additional proof that you accessed the site.

Moreover, to establish the authenticity and ownership of your work, it's advisable to communicate with your teacher or professor directly. They will be able to guide you on the acceptable methods for providing evidence in your specific academic setting.

I hope these suggestions help you in the process.