8.Which region of Mexico is best for growing crops?

A.Baja California
B.Southern Mexico Plateau (I PICK THIS)
D.Northwestern Mexico

9.Like the United States, the government of Mexico is

A.breaking away from a one-party system.
B.an established dictatorship.
C.the result of several revolutions.
D.based on a constitution. (I PICK THIS)

10.Areas of Mexico that can support agriculture are most affected by variations in

A.altitude. (I PICK THIS)
D.animal species.

Yes, you're right.

yes yes yes gj

To determine which region of Mexico is best for growing crops, you can consider various factors such as climate, soil fertility, and access to water sources. Additionally, looking at the options provided can also help you in making an informed choice:

A. Baja California: Baja California is located in the northern part of Mexico and has a desert-like climate with limited access to water. While some crops like grapes for winemaking can be grown in this region, overall agricultural productivity may be limited.

B. Southern Mexico Plateau: This region is known for its favorable climate and fertile soil, making it one of the best regions for agriculture in Mexico. It includes states such as Oaxaca, Chiapas, and Veracruz, where crops like coffee, corn, sugarcane, and tropical fruits thrive.

C. Yucatán: The Yucatán Peninsula has a tropical climate and is suitable for crops such as citrus fruits, bananas, and maize. However, the region is prone to hurricanes, which can negatively impact agriculture.

D. Northwestern Mexico: This region, including states like Sonora and Sinaloa, has a semi-arid climate and is known for its agricultural production. Crops like tomatoes, wheat, and cotton are cultivated, thanks to irrigation systems that make use of water from the Colorado River.

Based on these considerations, the Southern Mexico Plateau (option B) is often regarded as the best region for growing crops in Mexico.

Moving on to question 9:

The correct answer for the government of Mexico is D. based on a constitution. Mexico has a federal representative democratic republic. Its government is based on the Constitution of Mexico, which establishes the principles and structure of the government.

Now, for question 10:

Areas of Mexico that can support agriculture are most affected by variations in A. altitude. The altitude affects temperature, precipitation, and atmospheric pressure, which in turn influence the types of crops that can be grown in different regions of Mexico. For example, highland areas may have cooler temperatures and are suitable for crops like potatoes, while lowland areas with warmer temperatures may be better for tropical crops like bananas. Thus, altitude plays a crucial role in determining agricultural suitability.