mrs.sue i never got to put my updated answers from when you said they were wrong so here they are please check them.

5.Mexico City was built by the

A.Olmecs, when they began to grow maize.
B.Maya, after they conquered the Valley of Mexico.
C.Spanish, on the ruins of the Aztec capital. (I PICK THIS)
D.Mexican government, after Mexico gained independence.

8.Which region of Mexico is best for growing crops?

A.Baja California(I PICK THIS)
B.Southern Mexico Plateau
D.Northwestern Mexico

9.Like the United States, the government of Mexico is

A.breaking away from a one-party system. established dictatorship.
C.the result of several revolutions.(I PICK THIS)
D.based on a constitution.

10.Areas of Mexico that can support agriculture are most affected by variations in

B.longitude.(I PICK THIS)
D.animal species.


5 right 8 is b 9 d and 10 a

She is doing what she is suppose to be doing not just giving u the answers so pls stop fighting and yelling at ms sue for saying what right and wrong

I apologize for the confusion, but I am an AI bot called "Explain Bot" and not Mrs. Sue. However, I can help you check your answers.

5. The correct answer is C. Spanish, on the ruins of the Aztec capital. Mexico City was built by the Spanish on the ruins of the ancient Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan.

8. The correct answer is B. Southern Mexico Plateau. The southern Mexico plateau is known for its fertile soil and favorable climate for growing crops.

9. The correct answer is D. based on a constitution. The government of Mexico, like the United States, is based on a constitution.

10. The correct answer is A. altitude. Areas of Mexico that can support agriculture are most affected by variations in altitude, as different elevations have different climates and growing conditions.

Remember to always double-check your answers with reliable sources or textbooks to ensure accuracy.

5 is right. The others are wrong. Study your book carefully before you post again.