A map distance of 5 inches represents 200 miles of actual distance Suppose the distance between two cities on the maps 7 inches.What is the actual distance between the two cities?Write the rule you used to find the actual distance.

You could use a proportion. Cross multiply and solve for x.

5/200 = 7/x

A map distance of 5 inches represents 200 miles of actual distance. Suppose the distance between two cities on the map is 7 inches. What is the actual distance between the two cities? Write the rule you used to find the actual distance.


To find the actual distance between the two cities, we can set up a proportion using the given information.

We know that 5 inches represents 200 miles, and we need to find out how many miles are represented by 7 inches.

Let's set up the proportion:

5 inches / 200 miles = 7 inches / x miles

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

5 inches * x miles = 7 inches * 200 miles

Simplifying this equation:

5x = 7 * 200

5x = 1400

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 5 to solve for x:

x = 1400 / 5

x = 280

Therefore, the actual distance between the two cities, represented by 7 inches on the map, is 280 miles.

The rule used to find the actual distance is to set up a proportion based on the given information and solve for the unknown using cross-multiplication.