Brad is paid time-and-a-half if he works over 40 hours in a week. one week he worked 55 hours and earned $697.50.Write and solve an equation that can be used to find Brad's regular hourly rate.

if i think i got this you would divide 697.50/55= which gives 12.68 an hour

brad wildin out here

To solve this problem, we can set up an equation. Let's denote Brad's regular hourly rate as 'r.' Since Brad worked 55 hours in a week, he should be paid for 40 regular hours at his regular hourly rate, and then for the additional 15 hours at time-and-a-half rate.

The equation can be set up as follows:

Regular pay + Overtime pay = Total pay

Regular hours × Regular rate + Overtime hours × Overtime rate = Total pay

40 hours × r + 15 hours × (1.5r) = $697.50

Now, we can simplify and solve this equation:

40r + 15(1.5r) = 697.50
40r + 22.5r = 697.50
62.5r = 697.50
r = 697.50 / 62.5
r ≈ $11.16

Therefore, Brad's regular hourly rate is approximately $11.16.