Linda jogs every 3rd day and swims every 4th day. If she is jogging on Monday, what day of the week will she end up jogging and swimming? I say it's Tuesday? Would I be correct?

What day did she swim?

Well, Ms. Sue, there in lies the question? hat was how the example was written. I just started on Monday jog, thursday jog fri swim sunday jog mon swim wed jog fri swim, sat jog and figured tue was swim and jog. The question never says what day she swims!!

Then this problem cannot be solved.

LOL I had the similar question! If this question is for homework, we just write this problem can't be solved? I'm confused.

To find out on what day Linda will end up jogging and swimming, let's break down her schedule.

Linda jogs every 3rd day, which means she will jog on Monday, then the next day she will not jog. The day after that, she will jog again, and so on.

Similarly, Linda swims every 4th day. So after swimming on Monday, the next day she will not swim. Then she will swim again the day after that, and so on.

Let's list out the days and mark "J" for jogging and "S" for swimming:

Monday - J
Tuesday -
Wednesday - J
Thursday - S
Friday - J
Saturday -
Sunday -
Monday - J

As we can see, based on Linda's schedule, she will end up jogging and swimming on Monday, which is the same day of the week she started. Therefore, your answer of Tuesday is incorrect. Linda will jog and swim next on Monday, not Tuesday.