how would you prepare 445 grams of solution containing 13% mass HCL from 34.1 mass % of HCL solution

Just use the dilution formula.

mass1 x %1 = mass 2 x %2
Substitute and solve.

To prepare a solution containing 445 grams of 13% mass HCl from a 34.1% mass HCl solution, you will need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the amount of HCl needed in the final solution.
To do this, multiply the total mass of the solution (445 grams) by the desired percentage of HCl (0.13):
Mass of HCl needed = 445 grams * 0.13 = 57.85 grams

Step 2: Calculate the amount of the 34.1% mass HCl solution needed.
The 34.1% mass HCl solution contains 34.1 grams of HCl per 100 grams of solution.
Using a proportion, you can calculate the amount of the 34.1% mass HCl solution needed:
(34.1 grams HCl / 100 grams solution) = (57.85 grams HCl / x grams solution)

Cross-multiplying, we get:
34.1 grams HCl * x grams solution = 57.85 grams HCl * 100 grams solution

Simplifying, we get:
34.1x = 5785

Dividing both sides by 34.1, we get:
x = 5785 / 34.1 ≈ 169.80 grams

So, you will need approximately 169.80 grams of the 34.1% mass HCl solution to prepare 445 grams of a 13% mass HCl solution.

Step 3: Add the calculated amount of the 34.1% mass HCl solution to a container.
Measure out approximately 169.80 grams of the 34.1% mass HCl solution using a balance or appropriate measuring device. Add this amount of solution to a container.

Step 4: Add distilled water to the container.
To prepare the 13% mass HCl solution, you need to dilute the 34.1% mass HCl solution with distilled water. Add enough distilled water to bring the total mass of the solution to 445 grams. Ensure that the HCl is completely mixed with the water.

Step 5: Confirm the concentration of the resulting solution.
To confirm the concentration of the resulting solution, you can use a hydrometer, titration, or other appropriate methods to test the concentration of HCl. Adjust as necessary to achieve the desired concentration.

To prepare a 445-gram solution containing 13% mass HCl from a 34.1 mass % HCl solution, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the mass of HCl needed in the final solution.
The given solution is a 34.1 mass % HCl solution. This means that in 100 grams of the solution, there are 34.1 grams of HCl. To find the mass of HCl needed for a 445-gram solution, you can use the following calculation:
Mass of HCl = (mass percent/100) * mass of solution
Mass of HCl = (34.1/100) * 445 grams

Step 2: Calculate the mass of the solvent needed.
The solvent is the remaining mass of the solution once the HCl is added. To find the mass of the solvent, subtract the mass of HCl from the total mass of the solution:
Mass of solvent = Total mass of solution - Mass of HCl
Mass of solvent = 445 grams - (34.1/100) * 445 grams

Step 3: Mix the HCl with the solvent.
Weigh out the calculated amount of HCl and dissolve it in the calculated amount of solvent. Be sure to mix thoroughly until a homogenous solution is obtained.

By following these steps, you can prepare a 445-gram solution containing 13% mass HCl from a 34.1 mass % HCl solution.