Choose the contraction in parentheses ( ) that correctly completes the sentence .

1/ She (don't, doesn't) know what to expect in the United States .
Answer: doesn't

2/ Fortunatley, her aunt and uncle ( haven't, didn't) forgotten to meet her plane.
Answer: didn't

3/ ( Didn't, Don't) worry, " her aunt tells carlita.
Answer: Don't

4/ Your English ( aren't , isn't) at all bad.
Answer: isn't

5/ You (isn't , aren't going to feel lonely for long.
Answer: aren't

#2 haven't forgotten

(didn't forget would have been correct)

The others are ok.

To determine the correct contraction, you need to identify the subject and verb in each sentence.

1/ She (don't, doesn't) know what to expect in the United States.
Subject: She
Verb: know
Since "She" is a third-person singular pronoun, the correct contraction is "doesn't" (does + not).

2/ Fortunately, her aunt and uncle (haven't, didn't) forgotten to meet her plane.
Subject: her aunt and uncle
Verb: forgotten
Since "her aunt and uncle" is a plural noun, the correct contraction is "didn't" (did + not).

3/ (Didn't, Don't) worry, "her aunt tells Carlita.
Subject: (implied) You
Verb: worry
Since the subject "You" is implied, the correct contraction is "Don't" (do + not).

4/ Your English (aren't, isn't) at all bad.
Subject: Your English
Verb: at all bad
Since "Your English" is a singular noun phrase, the correct contraction is "isn't" (is + not).

5/ You (isn't, aren't) going to feel lonely for long.
Subject: You
Verb: going to feel
Since "You" is a second-person pronoun, the correct contraction is "aren't" (are + not).

By understanding the subject-verb agreement and the rules of contractions (e.g., third-person singular subjects use "doesn't," plural subjects use "don't"), you can determine the correct contraction for each sentence.