in chapter 9

site specific examples

ex: ms.maudie is thoughtful of other
"only thing i worried about...was all the danger and commotion it caused... this whole neighborhood could have gone up."

i did all of them except these please help

atticus tie racism to a lack of education

atticus influence scout to be an independent thinker

atticus leads by example

atticus reads about child development

To find examples in Chapter 9 that specifically illustrate these points, you will need to carefully read the chapter and look for instances where Atticus demonstrates these traits or behaviors. Here are some explanations on how you can find site-specific examples for each of the points you mentioned:

Atticus tying racism to a lack of education:
1. Read Chapter 9 of the book, paying attention to the conversations and interactions involving Atticus.
2. Look for instances where Atticus discusses racism or educates his children about it.
3. Pay close attention to Atticus' discussions with Scout and Jem on the topic of racism and his explanations of why some individuals hold racist beliefs.
4. Look for instances where Atticus connects these racist beliefs to a lack of education, either explicitly or through implied statements.

Atticus influencing Scout to be an independent thinker:
1. Focus on the conversations and interactions between Atticus and Scout in Chapter 9.
2. Look for instances where Atticus encourages Scout to think for herself and form her own opinions.
3. Pay attention to any instances where Atticus challenges Scout's assumptions or pushes her to question her own beliefs.
4. Look for examples where Atticus encourages Scout to see things from different perspectives and to develop her own understanding of the world.

Atticus leading by example:
1. Read Chapter 9 closely, paying attention to Atticus' actions and behaviors.
2. Look for instances where Atticus exhibits qualities such as empathy, fairness, honesty, and integrity.
3. Pay attention to how Atticus interacts with others in the community, particularly during tense situations.
4. Look for examples where Atticus demonstrates leadership qualities through his actions, such as standing up for what is right or treating others with respect.

Atticus reading about child development:
1. Review the dialogue and descriptions in Chapter 9 to identify instances where Atticus demonstrates an interest in child development.
2. Pay attention to any references to books or articles that Atticus mentions or reads.
3. Look for moments where Atticus applies his knowledge of child development in his interactions with Scout and Jem.
4. Find examples where Atticus's understanding of child development influences his parenting decisions or his way of communicating with his children.

By following these steps and carefully examining the text, you should be able to find specific examples in Chapter 9 that illustrate each of the given points.